Posts About STF

About STF

About the CTF

Stack the Flags is a Cybersecurity Capture-the-Flag (CTF) competition organised by Singapore GovTech Cyber Security Group (CSG). It is a 50 Hour long CTF that span between 4-6 December. The CTF is THE BIGGEST CTF we have participated and it consists of 3 categories which are open, Uni & Poly and JC, IP & ITE. Depending on the category you participate in, challenges may differ. Team CookieZ was in the second category, Uni & Poly.


This was the prize pool for the competition, a STAGGERING 57k in total. However, GovTech CSG also award mastery awards for each category of challnenges in each category and best writeups for most challenges.


Challenges & Writeups

This are the challenges that we have solve.

upload-image upload-image upload-image upload-image

Do note that these are not all the challenges in the CTF competition as we were not able to solve some challenges hence it was not shown to us. To add on some challenges seen in first and second cat may not be shown to the second cat (Poly & Uni).


Can COViD steal Bob’s idea?


Voices in the head


Diving in
Welcome Challenge
Beep Boop
Where’s the flag?


Contact Us!
What’s with the Search!
Welcome to Korovax Mobile!
True or false?

Open Source Intelligence

Only time will tell!
What is he working on? Some high value project?
Sounds of freedom!
Where was he kidnapped?
Hunt him down!
Who are the possible kidnappers?

Reverse Engineering

An invitation

Social Engineering

Can you trick OrgX into giving away their credentials?


Unlock Me
Logged In
You shall not pass!

Position & Overall Experience

In the end, we only gotten 12th place and was quite far in terms of points behind the top 10. However, the team have learned a lot through this CTF and would certainly aim for higher next CTF!!!


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